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Writer's pictureAnthony Todd

Could I be a Life Coach?

What is Life Coaching

If you consider the definition: Coach (noun) A person who advises clients on how to solve their problems and reach their goals in life, A Life Coach seems to be an individual with a set of answers and directions to help anyone accomplish a specific goal in their life. However, the world is full of complex humans that wrestle with a symphony of personal, physical and inter-relational challenges that block the fulfillment of many rewarding life targets. If we didn’t have such complicated life knots then a simple set of written instructions would remove all of the human blocks and we would ALL be enlightened and successful human beings. Being better armed with an arsenal of quality human change technology, in tandem with a high level of skill transfer literacy, will give your Life Coaching practice the best chance to follow through with success.

The process:

Assessment: Gaging who your client is/isn’t, skills/weaknesses, assets/debilitations, philosophy, dreams/ goals and worthwhile internal purpose

Transference: Developing a trust and sincere connection with your client to proffer honesty and encourage influence

Catharsis/Clarity: Enhancing your client’s ability to see themselves with clarity and understand deeply what needs to change in them for their life development process to be successful

Recipe for Achievement: Build a plan with step by step action items that both produce forward movement and remove barriers along the way that would slow and/or stop productivity

Best Practice Identification: Identify actual BEST PRACTICE examples of needed skills to transfer for the process of demonstration and learning

Skill Transfer: The art of transferring a particular skill from one human to another via: explanation, demonstration, role-play, observation and feedback

Inventory and Refinement: The daily/weekly act of documenting progress and refining the recipe to best fulfill the final achievement

Reflection: The final stage process of reflecting on the entire work and asking questions? What could we have done better? Is there still room for more growth? What’s next in our goal set?

Coaching is a process. It requires listening, hearing, and understanding. It also requires, human condition change literacy. Therapists are expertly trained in the art of restoration of many human conditions. Your primary objective is not to restore as it is to enhance. But restoration will be necessary when it dramatically blocks change. At AMI we will provide both a modicum of human restoration techniques and an armory of enhancement solutions. You will need to deploy both at various junctions of your client development process. Our primary objective is to bring dreams to realization financially, romantically, emotionally or spiritually. We elevate conciseness and develop the art of learning through specific recipes of skill transfer and encouragement. Once you learn the various unique coaching elements you could literally support the growth in any category for nearly all humans.

Meditate on the different types of goals that humans dream of realizing. Deep Love, Financial freedom, Parenting with power, Career Enhancement, Spiritual realization, Purpose driven achievements, Body enhancement, Business Development and Abundant joy. Now imagine the blocks that can stop a human from realization of worthwhile endeavors: fear, addiction, doubt, low self esteem, lack of imagination, low understanding or knowledge, financial drought, loneliness, no drive, a need for partnership and accountability, learning disability and the list goes on. Next, take into consideration various personality profiles, random age groups, gender, persuasion and geographic position to best practice. Finally, mix it up. This gender with these 2 goals + these 3 blocks in this geography compared to that gender, that persuasion, with the same 2 goals + 2 other blocks in a different geography. The recipe for achievement will change. Now add one more individual with the same persuasion with 3 goals (2 of the same) + 4 unique blocks (one of them the same) in the same geography + a unique philosophical pattern. Put all three in the same workshop and they recipe will not be 100% for all 3. They need a guide that is ambidextrous and can help them deal with the recipe with subtle variations so that they can live their dreams. This is why 800 people with the same dream can read the same book on “how to” and only 8% of them achieve the result. The problem is not the recipe. The problem is in the variance of humans and the need for custom support procedures.

As a Life Coach with quality human change technology in your quiver will absolutely leverage your ability to help, but you will need to consider this: “What are YOUR blocks? Are you prepared to begin the journey of knowing what you do NOT know?” They next consideration is that you will need to continuously grow and develop. Your courage, insight, intuition, knowledge base and ultimately your skill suite. Humans need YOU. They all do. But, if you can actually make a difference in their lives clients may flock to you from word of mouth. There are too many educated Life Coaches without the ability to actually assess, customize approach and ultimately teach successfully primary attributes. Make a decision what type of guide you are going to be. A rich, deep, humble guide that continues to ask the hard questions: What could I have done better? What do I not know? What do I not know that I don’t know? What else can I do to help my clients grow more profoundly? What is my agenda, to teach or to simply earn money?

If you expect them to learn will need to learn more.

A Life Coach is a guide with a set of answers and directions that can help any human accomplish a specific goal in their life. What goal? That is what assessment is about. It is the action to better understand your client so that you can direct them towards the true deep agenda that is within them.

For example: Fantasy is the clue to goals (but we get it backwards and go straight to goal development based on our internal dreams) goals are the path to achievement and achievement should generate the satisfied feeling that they yearn for, however if you encourage the wrong goals the client could achieve and still feel a wanting. So it’s critical to clear blocks of addiction and identify accurate goals that will satiate the true desire.

If Fantasy is the primary guide

Fantasy: I fantasize about being a billionaire and blessing my family with wonderful things

Goal: I want to be rich

Skills: I’m smart and good at math and science

Action: Become a Doctor and become wealthy

Realized: I am a doctor but I don’t like my job and the money isn’t worth it

If Fantasy in tandem with assessment and inventory are the primary guide

Fantasy: I fantasize about being a billionaire and blessing my family with wonderful things

Profile: I am a sensitive person that loves to teach others

Skills: I’m smart and good at math and science

Hang Ups: I don’t enjoy being in severe structure

Purpose: I love healing people

Goal: Become a Life Coach and earn, write books that guide, do lectures and workshops and teach

Realized: I am wealthy, I heal others, I bless my family with guidance and financial support

Throughout the course you will learn about Assessment, Transference, Clarity, Recipe, Best Practice, Skill Transfer, Refinement, and Reflection. We will bring modules to form that skill transfer these attributes of change along with actual human restoration techniques. The foundation of your success will be rooted on the process for building the life track working with the block removers of human restoration. If you become proficient at deploying this process your potential for success should grow powerfully. Each month we will insert additional modules in the same categories as well as new content to widen the girth of your tool box. Here is the structure of the learning process at AMI

Modules broken down into comprehendible learning sessions

Videos - Content explained, Content Demonstrated - Quiz

Text and diagram - Content explained and delivered - Quiz

Essays - You will establish your understanding of the content in a role-play exercise and submit your papers

Final Test on Module

Practicals - You will encourage volunteers to allow you to practice certain aspects of the module content and document your findings for practical coaching hours required for certification

* Tests and essays and practical data will be reviewed by next level students for their Practical hours required

To satisfy the skill transfer process we will be following an explain, demonstration, role-play, observation and feedback learning style and in a very reasonable period you will be able to accomplish the task of certification by AMI for 1 of or all 3 levels of coaching.

Associate Life Coach: Certified

You've passed the Basic Life Coach Module and have 50 hours of practical coaching experience

Professional Life Coach: Certified

You've passed the Basic Life Coach Module + 2 other coaching supplements and have 100 hours of practical coaching experience

Master Life Coach: Certified

You've passed the Basic Life Coach Module + 4 other coaching supplements and have 250 hours of practical coaching experience

Once you have graduated to the Certified Associate Life Coach status you will be granted rights to over see essays, tests and practical data of other new students for continued practical hours but you will need to complete at least two more modules before you are certified for the next level of coaching mastery.

Once you have graduated to the Certified Professional Life Coach status you will be granted rights to over see essays, tests, and practical data of other new students seeking certification in both Associate and Professional Life Coaching, but you will still need to complete at least 4 additional modules before you are certified for Master Life Coach.

As a Master Life Coach you have the ability to charge $50 per hour for student assistance coaching. We want our students to have access to discounted guidance and a qualified guide to aid them in their educational process. (If need be)

What is your agenda?

AMI is happy to partner with your personal achievement goal of becoming a properly trained Master Life Coach. That said, before you begin the process you should ask yourself, “What is my agenda?” What do you wish to accomplish with the certification. Yes we have dynamic client development tools and training to aid you executing a full coaching calendar, but what do you actually want out of the experience? Are you hoping to sit virtually 6 times a day for an hour or two with needful clients? Are you hoping to one day develop a module of change of your own and document the process in a book or books? Do you imagine yourself on stage or virtually coaching scores of students into deeper awareness or personal change? Perhaps you simply wish satisfy a need to do better in particular categories of your life such as parenting, love, business or commercial grade education. Perhaps you already are a therapist or coach and you simply wish to enhance your knowledge base. Your agenda will and should drive your cadence and learning strategy.

You have several choices to make:

1. Do I jump right in at the beginning, learn what I need and move on?

2. Do I attempt to build a recipe of action on my own with my life wisdom as my guide?

3. Do I engage the support of a Master Coach for a few hours to help me ascertain the most productive process for my personality, agenda and lifestyle?

This is your decision. We will not sell you on a course of action. AMI makes no additional dollars regardless of your educational process. The subscription fee is $99 only and always for complete access to the content. The coaching fees of $50 per hour are given directly to the coach that may or may not support your endeavor. So, we keep an unbiased position. It is your life. However, if you are a bit lost on what makes the most sense, perhaps you would fare well with a single billable hour to get some additional perspective on your particular needs. Coaches are taught NOT to push but to guide the willing. Remember the Skill Transfer process we spoke of? The success of the explain phase is based on 2 factors.

1. The content that is going to be taught is explained

2. The client is willing to learn what is available to be taught

3. The client wants to learn from that particular teacher

We understand that the open minded partner to the educational/coaching process is the most adaptive to understanding and embedding change, so it is really up to you. We simply suggest that you open your wise mind to the idea that your situation is unique. The content is baked. The digestion and retention success of the content will be based on blocks not prohibiting your understanding and deployment of the information and your individual needs could be different than others. That suggests that your process and action items may need to be customized a bit. Once you better understand what could be achieved and better yet partner with what YOU want to achieve your experience will be vibrant and productive and another healer could be born.

Once you have ascertained your agenda and process for digesting the content, we suggest that you build a structured routine for moving through the modules. It is important to not jump ahead of ideas or discard content because you don’t understand or agree of their importance. It is a stair case and skipping steps will make for an unstable ascent. Be patient with yourself. It takes years for medical healers to become lettered and if you are diligent and patient within a few months you could be earning money from your new profession and before you know it you could be in a position to traverse from one career to this one full time and live to love your new job. We absolutely hope you enjoy your new boss. YOU.

Finally, don’t pursue the career of helping and guiding others for the pure sake of earning lots of money. Healers are drawn to the calling. If you wouldn’t do it for free (if money wasn’t and issue) it may not be for you. The act of coaching is quasi-altruistic in its mind set. If you have the feeling of joy in accomplishing change in another human being, then you are on the right path. However, some will follow instructions and find achievement and some will not. You have to learn to be comfortable when a client chooses to not take direction and fails. You will learn to set boundaries and once in awhile let a client go that can not or will not follow your lead. This is another attribute that you need to possess or be willing to transfer into your core personality profile.

So, do you have the calling? Do you have a desire to guide and coach others to success? Do you have an open mind that is willing to learn and grow? Are you ready to build a new experience? Then get ready to join us in the learning process. Welcome to Amare Magis Institute. AMI wishes to joyfully welcome you on the road to self discovery and empowerment. We have been waiting for you and now you have arrived.


Amare Magis Institute

AMI Master Life Coaching Development

Grow, Learn, Earn

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